Our Camps area fun filled 8-week programs, with the option of a fuII 8-week session or 1-week sessions.
AM Mon - Fri 9 am - 12 noon

The day’s activities include story telling, water play, arts & crafts, science & nature, games, indoor & outdoor play, cooking, and music & movement and weekly soccer.
The field trips include trips to local farms, beaches, parks, nature preserves, museums and live performances.

Children may sign up by the week, the day, the month or the summer.
Soccer is on Wednesdays for all campers
Come to camp wearing comfortable play clothes.
Bring a towel and bathing suit (please label).
All kindercampers should be toilet trained by the start of camp.nutritious snack will be served daily.and must have a car seat for field trips.
Health forms must be received before camp begins.
Camp T-shirts are available.
We reserve the right to balance all groups.
The ratio of staff to campers averages 1:5 for Kindercam and 6/1 for Tree Fort.
No camp 4th of July
